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aktuell ist eine Schnittstelle zu Lexware oder DATEV noch nicht vorhanden. Eine entsprechende Schnittstelle ist jedoch bereits für eine Umsetzung geplant und vorgesehen.

Bis dahin bieten wir Ihnen mit dem Bericht Bewegungsdaten im CSV-Format und den Excel-kompatiblen Arbeitszeitberichten im ODS-Format die Möglichkeit, Ihre abrechnungsrelevanten Daten zu exportieren und bei Bedarf selbst weiter zu bearbeiten und aufzubereiten.

Sollten Sie zu den bereits vorhandenen Export-Möglichkeiten oder den Berichten Fragen haben, helfen wir Ihnen natürlich gerne weiter.

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Hello team!
I came across a 73 helpful page that I think you should explore.
This site is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find interesting.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!
Link zu diesem Kommentar
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Hello team!
I came across a 74 awesome tool that I think you should check out.
This tool is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find helpful.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!
Link zu diesem Kommentar
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Hello lads!
I came across a 74 valuable resource that I think you should check out.
This platform is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find helpful.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!
Link zu diesem Kommentar
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Hello !!
I came across a 74 valuable site that I think you should take a look at.
This resource is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!
Link zu diesem Kommentar
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Hello !!
I came across a 74 interesting page that I think you should explore.
This site is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find helpful.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!
Link zu diesem Kommentar
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Hello everyone!
I came across a 74 fantastic resource that I think you should explore.
This resource is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find helpful.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!
Link zu diesem Kommentar

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